Sunday, April 5, 2015

He has risen!

So thankful that because He lives, we live for Him! Jesus is risen! Happy Easter from the Heath Family!

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Spring Break Adventures

Our little fam has had a good balance of travels and just hanging around the house during this 2 week spring break. Our schedule is so full when school is in session, its nice to take a break from routine once in a while. Picture highlights are shown above:
-Chillin' at the pool with friends
-Hangin' at the beach and seeing Ciocia Julie there
-A 2 day trip to the Yosemite Valley! Papa and Grammy were able to join us on Papa's 71st birthday. On our way home, we also a visit with Babcia and Dzidek. What a treat!
-Aunt was in town visiting with friends and we were able to meet up with her for a visit as well.
-Enjoyed a paddleboarding session on Coronado Bay for our last official Friday off!

A good time was had by all. Now we are gearing up for our last quarter of school and can begin our countdown to summer!