Monday, December 8, 2008

The Chick Fil A Cow was at Gianna's Party!

We were invited to Gianna's 4th birthday party and when we arrived we had a fun surprise guest from Chick Fil A: The Cow! Owen was willing take a picture when his friends were near, but Elizabeth stayed far from the friendly cow. Our friends Stephanie and Gianna have amazing connections at the Chick Fil A restaurant down here in CV so it was exciting to have such a fun visitor. Mommy was probably more excited than O and E. We have known Gianna since Owen and her were 1 year old. Ella, Tyler, and Maisey are also the same age and have known each other just as long. This is an annual party that we enjoy attending to see our sweet childhood friends. Thank you Stephanie and Gigi for another fantastic party! Happy 4th Gigi!


Anonymous said...

It was wonderful seeing you and your beautiful kids today. We really miss you guys. Love all the pics! Can't wait to see your Christmas card!
Love you guys,


what a fun birthday party...we had the chick filet cow @ our church halloween/harvest party. i love that elizabeth didn't really want anything to do with him!

Unknown said...


Thanks for the nice comments! I am so glad that you guys were able to come to the party and that you had a good time. Gigi did not want to have her party unless "her favorite boyfriend" Owen could come! So I am glad you made it. It was great seeing you guys. We'll get together soon. Merry Christmas, Love Stef