Friday, June 5, 2009

Visiting with a dear friend and saying good-bye

Jessica and Baby Ella came for a visit over memorial weekend. Jeremiah has his annual guys weekend and Jess and I try to make an effort to see each other. Well, my dear, sweet friend is moving away with her family to Georgia! I will miss her dearly and we know its not a forever good-bye. We've never lived in the same town except in college so hopefully it won't be too different for us in different states. We love you Fransz Family and we will be praying for a good transition for you all. Here's pics from our last visits together.



what a sweet blog entry! i love it..thank you. i love seeing our kiddos together! it does make it more "real" now matter what distance lies between us, you'll always be my best friend. i love you my forever friend.

Katie said...

Oh, how sweet. Good luck to Jessica and family!